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6 Weeks





This course is a study of the major theological themes contained in the New Testament. It recognizes the diversity in the NT and suggests methodological solutions to the issue of unity within diversity. It also seeks to trace the progression of thought beginning with Jesus and seeks to discover each writer’s distinctive contribution to the overal message of the New Testament. It explores the theological relationships between and among the writings of the New Testament and how the concepts and ideas from those writings are used in contemporary settings.


At the end of this course, students will;


  • Gain a basic understanding of the discipline of New Testament Theology, its questions and concerns, and methods related to it.
  • Know the diverse interpretations of the New Testament theological themes and help the student formulate his or her own position
  • Comprehend both the diversity and unity of theological themes in the New Testament.


  • Ability to evaluate the use of New Testament writings and their interpretation in other theological disciplines and/or the contemporary church by drawing on insights from the course.
  • Deepen yourself as an interpreter of the New Testament and how this relates to your ministry goals.
  • Engage in theological reflection by critically looking at the development of New Testament Theology
  • Apply the significant themes to the mission and life of the church today


  • Appreciate more fully the meaning, power, and relevance of the distinctive theological emphases and approaches of the different NT writers for abundant living in the contemporary world.
  • Have a vision to relate the insights obtained from the study to contemporary socio-political problems and issues in our world and the Church at large.
  • Have an appreciation for the dynamic unity of NT theology and its impact in shaping Christianity
  • Gain a perspective which incorporates


a. Questions for Written Responses (200 words each): To be submitted at the end of each week

Week 1

  1. Which is a period of the history of the development of NT Theology that you find particularly significant? What makes it important?
  2. Why is the understanding of the Canon important with regard to NT Theology?

Week 2

  1. What is a unique Christological title in the Gospels that resonates with your current context?
  2. What is the uniqueness of Matthew’s usage of Kingdom of Heaven in the Synoptic portrayal of Kingdom of God.

Week 3

  1. Eternal life is an important part of the Christian view of the end times. Enumerate John’s unique theological perspective?
  2. Briefly discuss the functions of that you find relevant to your current ecclesiological setting?

Week 4

  1. Paul’s portrayal of the Church in his letters is mult-faceted. Highlight one metaphor which is relevant for your mission setting?
  2. Mention the ways in which Pauline Ethics is relevant for your personal life?

Week 5

  1.  Discuss the role of the OT in how the book of Hebrews is theologically shaped.
  2. The epistle of James deals with practical theological themes, is there any one or two themes that you feel can serve as a corrective to certain is wrong emphases in popular spirituality? Explain.

b. Weekly Discussion Questions

  1. In your experience of reading and studying the NT till date, what are the areas in which you find diversity in thought when comparing the various NT texts? Give examples.
  2. In Luke’s gospel, a theology of compassion is evident. In what ways is this perspective reflected/or not reflected in you ecclesiastical setting?
  3. What are the implications one can draw from the Johannine view of Eternal Life, in what ways does it challenge your previous thinking?
  4. Paul highlights a very important concern in Romans 14 and deals with the ethics of food and holidays. How are the principles that Paul enumerates applicable to your own context?
  5. Hospitality was an integral part of ministry in the early Church. The third epistle of John emphasizes it and highlights it with both positive and negative examples. Considering the practical aspects of the present day, how can one appropriate or not appropriate hostipality in their setting.

c. Weekly Quizzes consisting of 25 questions are to be attempted at the end of each week.

d. Final Research Paper: (1500-2000 words)

The Theology of the epistle of James is very unique when contrasted with those of other NT books.Some have even argued that it is most closest to the words of Jesus. Write an assignment on the book of James with the following points in mind;

  1. What makes the epistle of James unique?
  2. Outline and expand on the important theological themes in the epistle
  3. Reflect on the parallels from the themes that can speak to present day issues in the Church and society at large.

(Make sure to include cover page, page numbers, Footnotes, Bibliography etc)

e. Book Review: (400-500 Words)

          Write a book review on “Jesus Through Many Eyes: Introduction to the Theology of the New Testament” by Stephen Neill (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1976)



Weekly Assignments

25 %


Discussion Questions

15 %


Weekly Quizzes

10 %


Final Research Assignment

30 %


Book Review

20 %


Required Reading

Marshall, I Howard. New Testament Theology: Many Witnesses, One Gospel. Downers Grove: IVP, 2004.

Schreiner, Thomas R.. New Testament Theology: Magnifying God in Christ. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008.

Supplementary Reading

Beale, G. K. New Testament Theology. Grand Rapids; Baker Books, 2000.

Bultmann, Rudolf. Theology of the New Testament. Vol. 1. Translated by Kendrick Grobel. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1951.

Conzelmann, Hans. An Outline of the Theology of the New Testament. London: SCM Press, 1969.

Dunn, J.D.G.. New Testament Theology: An Introduction. Nashville: Abingdon Press: 2010.

Dunn, James D.G.. Unity and Diversity in the New Testament: an inquiry into the Character of the Earliest Christianity. London: SCM Press, 2006.

Esler, Philip F.. New Testament Theology: Communion and Community. Philadelphia: Fortress, 2005.

Guthrie, Donald. New Testament Theology. Leicester: IVP, 1981.

Hasel, Gerhard. New Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978.

Jeremias, Joachim. New Testament Theology: The Proclaimation of Jesus. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1971.

Ladd, George Eldon. A Theology of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974

Matera, Frank J. New Testament Theology: Exploring Diversity and Unity. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 2007.

Neill, Stephen. Jesus Through Many Eyes: Introduction to New Testament Theology. Fortress Press, Philadelphia, 1976

          Via, Dan O. What is New Testament Theology? Minneapolis: Augsburg/Fortress, 2002.

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