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6 Weeks





This course is a broad survey of the history of Christianity from the Protestant Reformation into the modern era, including study of the most significant moments in the church during the Reformation. Students would be introduced to a survey of the major movements, doctrines, persons, and institutions that arose within the church and affected its development in different parts of the world.

Moreover, students would study in detail on some of the historical developments of the Church and the different historical and theological shifts and developments that are visible to this day. 

During the course they would encounter the personalities and movements those influenced the spread of Christianity. The study would identify the context in which the Christian faith developed.  They would be made aware of the present condition and would be challenged to take their place in the history of Christianity. 


A. Knowledge:

  1. To provide an overview of the various developments that shaped the course of the church and of Christian faith. 
  2. To invite people on a journey where one can relate with the roots and origins of Christianity and reaffirm their faith.
  3. To create an awareness among men and women on how Christianity brought transformation within the world. 

B. Skills:

  1. To be able to demonstrate leadership qualities in regards to church community and Christian life and ministry.
  2. To be a faithful witness for the Lord and His church while maintaining the church’s duty towards the society.
  3. To defend the Christian faith in an ever changing multi-cultural and religiously pluralistic context.

C. Attitude:

  1. To be able to understand the purpose of God and how God has placed the church in the community to continue His redemptive work.
  2. To be able to understand and teach others about the formation of church, theology and different practices concerning church and ministry. 
  3. To give glory to God on preserving the church through different times of trials and tribulations.



Cairns, Earle E. Christianity Through The Centuries. Revised Edition. Grand Rapids: Michigan, 1981.

Dowley, Tim, Robert D.Linder and David F Wright, comps. EERDMANS Handbook to the History of Christianity. England: Lion Publishing, 1977.

George.K.M. Development of Christianity through the centuries: Traditions and discovery. Tiruvalla: Christava Sahitya Samiti.May 2005

Gonzalez, Justo.L. The Story of Christianity, Volume 2. New York: Harper Collins, 2010.

Hrangkhuma,.F. An Introduction to Church History Bangalore: Theological Book Trust, 2002.

Kenneth Scott Latourette. A History of Christianity Vol 2 Reformation to Present. San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1975.

MacCulloch, The Reformation. New York: Viking Publications, 2004.

McGrath, E. Alister, Reformation Thought. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1999.

McGrath.E, Alister. Historical Theology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1998.

Thompson, Alan. New Movements AD 1500-1800.New Delhi: ISPCK, 1976.



Cairns, Earle E. Christianity Through the Centuries. Revised Edition. Grand Rapids: Michigan, 1981.

Dowley, Tim, Robert D. Linder and David F Wright, comps. EERDMANS Handbook to the History of Christianity. England: Lion Publishing, 1977.

Ferguson, Everett. Church History, Volume One: From Christ to the Pre-Reformation. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Press, 2013.

Gonzalez, J.L. The Story of Christianity: The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation. Vol. 1&2. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984.

Gonzalez, Justo L. The Story of Christianity: Volume 1. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 2014.

Kenneth Scott LaTourette. A History of Christianity Vol 1 Beginnings to 1500. San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1975.


It is encouraged that our students to have varied viewpoints which will enrich and engage the discussions in our learning community. Therefore, students are requested to be altruistic and dutiful in their interactions with each other, and to remain focused on the topic of discussion, out of respect to others who have committed to being a part of this learning community.

  • Discussion Forum
  1. Weekly Discussions and Written Responses (Weeks 1-4 only): 300 Words each, 1 question per week, (Total 32 Marks)

Late responses are not accepted. Each week’s initial response is due on Thursday (11:59pm) and interactions with other responses are due on Sunday (11:59pm)

Attendance in this course is demonstrated by regular log-ins and up-to-date participation in forums and live classes.

Every Friday (for weeks 1-4 only), a weekly discussion question will become visible. Each student will read through the question and take time to formulate a response.

Aim for responses that display a thorough understanding of the textbooks and primary sources relevant to each question and a clear engagement with the class discussions and lectures, especially identifying areas of your understanding of each week’s themes that have challenged, changed, and/or enriched you. This is not a summary of the readings and the lectures, but a response to particular themes/arguments. Be specific and brief, but not superficial.

The initial response should be 300 words but there is no set limit on words for the subsequent interactions between students. In order to maximize the benefit of this element of the course, the student should post his/her initial response by 11:59 pm on Wednesday of the week and then spend the remainder of that week interacting with their colleagues (at least responding to 2 students) in the class until Saturday at 11:59pm.

Each weekly questions and themes will be discussed on following week during optional class meetings

Areas of Evaluation
Grade A
Grade B
Grade C
Grade D
Areas of Evaluation
Completeness of post
Grade A
Addresses all parts of question; meets and did not exceed word limit; comprehensive response
Grade B
Addresses all parts of question; respectable length & did not exceed limit; somewhat comprehensive
Grade C
Addresses some parts of question; shorter length; incomplete post
Grade D
Rarely addresses question; far too short or far too long; incomplete post
Areas of Evaluation
Clarity of post
Grade A
Clear and concise posts; grammatically correct with rare
Grade B
Clear, but can be more concise; a few grammatical or spelling errors
Grade C
Somewhat clear, but with significant number of errors in spelling and grammar
Grade D
Unclear, poor spelling and grammar in most posts
Areas of Evaluation
Critical engagement with class material (lectures, readings)
Grade A
Thoughtful; opinions and ideas are substantiated with class material and additional resources (quotations and/or references); active reflection & questioning; obvious integration with one’s context
Grade B
Thoughtful; opinions and ideas are occasionally substantiated with class material; some reflection & questioning; some integration
Grade C
Less thoughtful; opinions and ideas are sometimes substantiated with class material; insufficient reflection & questioning; less integration with one’s context
Grade D
Opinions and ideas are not substantiated with class material; no reflection & questioning; no integration with one’s context
Areas of Evaluation
Promptness & quality of responses
Grade A
Posting on time; responds to all group members’ comments on your post, interacting with other students’ postings in timely manner; thoughtful responses
Grade B
Posting on time; responds to some of group members’ comments on your post, limited interaction with other students’ postings in timely manner; somewhat thoughtful responses
Grade C
Posting mostly on time; interaction with only 1-2 students’ postings; less thoughtful responses
Grade D
Late posting; rarely responds to group members’ comments on your post and/or students’ postings; responses not thoughtful

B. Weekly Assessment (Weeks 1-4): 250-350 words, Total 32 Marks

A reflective question will be given (2 per week for the first 2 weeks). The student needs to reflect his/her thoughts on the given question based on the readings and lecture videos. The answer requires an understanding of the content learnt through the week and the practical application of the same in addressing the question. 

C. Assignments: 10 x 1 = 10 Marks

  1. Research Paper 1 – 2000 Words, 10 Marks   

Topic: Evaluate the impact of Reformation and identify the four impacts it had on Protestant Christianity 

Explain in detail with references and academic citations in about 2000 words. Please use sufficient academic sources to build your paper. 

A few pointers to help you write your paper:  Use the format given below.

  1. Write a brief introduction to the paper
  2. In the body of the paper, explain the following:
  3. Briefly explain the background or the historical context in which the event occurred.
  4. Identify the major personalities and situations that led to the event
  5. Describe in a nutshell on how this event has influenced the church (in regards to theology, sacraments, church life and Christian characteristics) 
  6. What are some of the key lessons we can learn from this?
  7. Application to present day context
  8. Any other relevant information 
  9. Conclusion


Evaluation is based upon the completion of the following assignments:

Weekly Discussion Forum Questions and Responses 

(Weeks 1-4)

32 Marks

Weekly Assessments (Weeks 1-4)

32 Marks

Live Class Attendance

12 Marks

Course Completion 

12 Marks

Research Paper (One paper)

12 Marks

Total Marks 

100 Marks



Submission Method and Late Submission

Submission: Papers to be submitted electronically in .doc or .docx format via Global Classroom

Late Submission Penalties:

  1. Delayed responses to questions in Weekly Forum will NOT be accepted.
  2. All other late assignments will be penalized 1% (1 point) per day.

Citing References

In all assigned work, proper style guidelines must be used and followed exactly; failure to do so will render the submitted assignment unacceptable.

For proper citation style, consult the FBC Style Guide or the full edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers: Seventh Edition, especially chapters 5 and 6 for arrangement of entries through in-text citations and Works Cited.

Academic Integrity

Integrity in academic work is required of all our students. Academic dishonesty is any breach of this integrity, and includes such practices as cheating (the use of unauthorized material on tests and examinations), submitting the same work for different classes without permission of the instructors; using false information (including false references to secondary sources) in an assignment; improper or unacknowledged collaboration with other students, and plagiarism.

Global Classroom takes seriously its responsibility to uphold academic integrity, and to penalize academic dishonesty. 


The readings can be found as PDF files on the course web page at under “Materials”.

About the Instructor

Have Questions?

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Drop us a note and our academic counsellor will get in touch with you.