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Homiletics and Preaching

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6 Weeks





This course is designed to study the theological foundations of preaching with an emphasis  on Biblical integrity, guidance of the Holy Spirit, sermon preparation and structural  soundness. This course will focus on effective communication of God’s Word while  maintaining textual credibility and accounting for the context of the listener. By the end of  this course, the student will be able to incorporate essential principles of Homiletics into their  preaching and teaching ministry.  


At the end of the course, students will be able to gain:

  1. Knowledge:
    Student will learn Biblical foundation of preaching and its importance in the ministry  – Student will learn various models of preaching and their purpose in the ministry – Student will learn effective sermon outlining and delivery that fits the context of their  ministry
  2. Skills:
    – Student will learn to prepare a sermon draft that is theologically relevant and  structurally coherent in communicating the message to the audience 

    – Student will be able to use effective research tools in preparation for their sermon

  3. Attitude:

    – Student must approach this course with a humble attitude recognizing that we all have  space for improvement in the field of Homiletics 
     – Student should be open to adopting new models of preaching based on their ministry  context and setting 
    – Student should be open to constructive feedback on their sermon outline and  assignments 


(ATA recommends that an MDiv student should read at least 750 pages during the study of  each subject)


Heisler, Greg. Spirit-Led Preaching: The Holy Spirit’s Role in Sermon Preparation and  Delivery, B&H Publishing Group, 2018 

Kuruvilla, Abraham. A Manual for Preaching: The Journey from Text to Sermon, Baker  Publishing Group, 2019   

Scharf, Greg. Relational Preaching: Knowing God, His Word, and your Hearers, Langham  Creative Projects, 2017 

Stott, John. The Challenge of Preaching, Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2015


Archer, Kenneth. A Pentecostal Hermeneutic: Spirit, Scripture And Community, CPT Press,  2009 

Bartholomew, Craig G. Excellent Preaching: Proclaiming the Gospel in Its Context and  Ours, Lexham Press, 2016 

Braga, James, How to Prepare Bible Messages, Portland: Multnomah, 1969 

Chapell, Bryan. Using Illustrations to Preach with Power, Revised ed., Wheaton: Crossway, 2001 

Bartholomew, Craig and Goheen, Michael. The drama of Scripture: Finding our place in the biblical story, Grand Rapids: Baker, 2004 

Edwards, J. Kent. Effective first-person biblical preaching: The steps from text to narrative sermon, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005 

Eswine, Zack. Preaching to a post-everything world: Crafting biblical sermons that connect  with our culture, Grand Rapids: Baker, 2008 

Gibson, Scott, editor. Preaching to a shifting culture: 12 perspectives on communicating that connects, Grand Rapids: Baker, 2004 

Hughes, Ray. Pentecostal Preaching, Pathway Press, 2004

Johnson, Dennis E., Him We Proclaim: Preaching Christ from All the Scriptures,  Phillipsburg,NJ: P & R Publishing, 2007 

Johnston, Graham. Preaching to a postmodern world: A guide to reaching 21st century  listeners, Grand Rapids: Baker, 2001 

Keener, Craig. Spirit Hermeneutics: Reading Scripture in Light of Pentecost, Eerdmans, 2017

Lloyd-Jones D. Martin, Preaching & Preachers, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1971   

Lybrand, Fred. Preaching on your feet: Connecting God and the audience in the preachable moment, Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2008 

Martin, Lee Roy. Pentecostal Hermeneutics: A Reader, BRILL, 2013 

Martin, Lee Roy. Toward a Pentecostal theology of Preaching, Cleveland, Tennessee: CPT  Press, 2015 

MacArthur, John Jr., Rediscovering Expository Preaching, Dallas: Word Publishing, 1992 Miller, Calvin. Preaching: The art of narrative exposition, Grand Rapids: Baker, 2006 

Piper, John, The Supremacy of God in Preaching, Revised Edition, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 2004 

Ragoonath, Aldwin. Preach the Word: A Pentecostal Approach, Winnipeg: Agape Teaching Ministry, 2004 (PdF copy available in the Class folder) 

Richard, Ramesh. Preparing Expository Sermons: A Seven-Step Method for Biblical  Preaching. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2001 

Robinson, Haddon and Larson Craig, general editors. The art and craft of biblical preaching:  A comprehensive resource for today’s communicators, Grand Rapids: Zondervan,  2005 

Robinson, Haddon W., Biblical Preaching, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1980

Spurgeon, Charles. Lectures to My Students Practical and Spiritual Guidance for Preachers,  Vol. 3, Aneko Press, 2021 

Sinner, Craig, The Teaching Ministry of the Pulpit, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982 

Stott, John R.W. Between Two Worlds: The Art of Preaching in the Twentieth Century,  Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 1982  

Tucker, Austin. The preacher as storyteller: The power of narrative in the pulpit, Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2008 


Further reading lists at the end of most of the day topics or sections. It provides a basis for  further study in greater depth on particular issues within each section of the book, and you  can access books that are generally available in Perlego 


(ATA recommends that an MDiv student should write a minimum of 2500 words during the  study of a subject) 

  1. Discussion Forum: 20% weightage (due every week)
    Every Wednesday a weekly discussion question will become visible. Each student will  read through the question and take time to formulate a response. The aim for responses is  to display a thorough understanding of daily video lessons, reading material, or even a  selected multimedia content and relate it practically to life and ministry situations. The  initial response should be 200 words to answer the questions and then each student should  respond (100 words) to the submitted response of other students posted on the Discussion  board. To maximize the benefit of this element of the course, the student should post  his/her initial response by 11:59 pm on Wednesday of the week and then spend the  remainder of that week interacting with their colleagues in the class until Saturday at  11:59 pm.
  2. Weekly Quiz: 20% weightage (due every Friday)

    A self-assessment quiz that consists of multiple-choice, true/false questions, short  answers, text with feedback. Note that quizzes are used for self-assessment and not  formal exams. These quizzes are based on video lectures, reading assignments,  multimedia content, etc.

  3. Short Essay: 20% weightage 500-800 words (due by the end of third week) (15 Marks)

    Students shall practice active listening and submit a one-to-two-page evaluation of a  sermon that they listened to in their Church.  

    When writing, focus on: 

    1. the perceived faithfulness to the text 
    2. the clarity of the message 
    3. the engagement of the listeners and  
    4. the apparent intended outcome in their lives 
      1. You must prepare two sermon outlines. The outlines should be detailed (include  the text, major points, sub-points, illustrations and conclusion), and it should  incorporate the sermon structure learned in the course. The total length of the two  sermons should not exceed 5 pages. 
      2. You must choose one of the two sermon outlines which you have prepared, and  then upload a video of you preaching that sermon. The recorded video should be  no longer than 20-25mins in length. The emphasis of the video should be on the  Content, Appearance and Delivery of the sermon, and not on the technical  aspects of the video (such as recording quality, editing etc). You should preach in  the video as though you were preaching in front of a congregation
      3. Sermon Outlines and Recorded Sermon: 40% weightage (due by the end of the  course/week six) (20 Marks)

        As part of the final assignment:

        Half of the grade for this assignment will come from the two sermon outlines that you submit, and the other half will be based on the uploaded video preaching. 



Papers to be submitted electronically in .doc or .docx format by Global Classroom– Assignment Upload 

Late Submission Penalties 

  1. Weekly Responses and Primary Source Analysis Paper will NOT be accepted as late. 2. Late submission of all other assignments, with a genuine reason, will be penalized  1% (1 point) per day. The student needs to get the prior written permission of the  instructor, copying the same to the Registrar. A maximum of three days would be  permitted by the instructor, for a late submission. 

Citing References 

In all assigned work, proper style guidelines must be used and followed exactly; failure to do  so will render the submitted assignment unacceptable. 

For proper citation style, consult the FBC Style Guide or the full edition of the MLA  Handbook for Writers of Research Papers: Seventh Edition, especially chapters 5 and 6 for  the arrangement of entries through in-text citations and Works Cited.

Academic Integrity 

Integrity in academic work is required of all our students. Academic dishonesty is any  breach of this integrity and includes such practices as cheating (the use of unauthorized  material on tests and examinations), submitting the same work for different classes without  permission of the instructors; using false information (including false references to  secondary sources) in an assignment; improper or unacknowledged collaboration with other  students, and plagiarism. FBC takes seriously its responsibility to uphold academic integrity  and to penalize academic dishonesty.

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